Interest Representation

The fundamental mission of AKT is representation and promotion of interests of the organized workers in the Union agreement sectors.

AKT concludes collective agreements for its members with respective employer organizations and supervises with the branches and shop stewards that the terms and conditions of the agreement are complied with. AKT has 18 valid collective agreements with seven individual employer organizations.

Collective agreements determine the minimum terms of employment relationship, such as wages, hours of work, sick leave pay, maternity leave, overtime pay premium, different bonuses, per diem allowance, holiday pay and bonus holiday pay, as well as remuneration for reduced working time.

The rights of the employee as well as the employer are defined in the collective agreement and in labour law (e.g. Employment Contracts Act, Working Hours Act, Annual Holidays Act and Occupational Safety and Health Act).

The employers affiliated to employer organizations are obliged to observe the collective agreement based on the Collective Agreements Act.

The employers not affiliated in employer organizations are obliged to observe the collective agreement based on the general validity of collective agreements.

The general validity of collective agreements means that the terms of pay and other conditions must be observed also by those employers who are not affiliated to the employers’ organization that is as a party to the collective agreement.

Terms less favourable than in collective agreement may not be agreed upon in an employment contract.

Shop stewards, the union branch and the AKT officials assist members in matters related to the employment relationship.

AKT also represents members’ interests and works to develop working conditions when legislation is drafted by handing in statements of opinion and by maintaining contacts with legislators and other actors in transport sector at the national and the international level.

Päivitetty: 12.5.2021